If you are a student on the 24-month STEM OPT Extension and you received an email from SEVP, or if you have general questions about reporting requirements, please review the information below.

SEVP Emails to Students

Per the Department of Homeland Security, students on approved STEM OPT Extension must comply with several reporting requirements, including submitting the following to their school’s DSOs:

  • Employment data validation reports
  • Form I-983 self-evaluations

To remind students of these reporting requirements, SEVP sends students on STEM OPT Extension periodic emails instructing them to contact their DSO. The emails from SEVP look like this.

If you received an email from SEVP instructing you to contact your DSO and submit your report and/or self-evaluation, follow the instructions beginning on Slide 15 of the STEM OPT Extension Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1) What is a DSO?

DSO is a “Designated School Official”. All advisors at OIS are DSOs, and can verify your STEM OPT Extension reports and Form I-983 self-evaluations.

2) How to I submit my data validation report (address, telephone, and employer information) to my DSO?

Please refer to Slide 18 of the STEM OPT Extension Instructions.

3) How do I submit my self-evaluation?

Please refer to Slides 19-20 of the STEM OPT Extension Instructions.

4) How do I know OIS received my report?

You will receive an auto-reply confirmation email when you submit your data validation report and/or Form I-983 self-evaluation to OIS.

5) How to I update my SEVP Portal email address?

You must request OIS change the email address for you. Please read the instructions under “SEVP Portal Issues” on the STEM OPT Extension page.

6) Previously, I submitted my data validation reports by updating and submitting my information in the OIS STEM OPT Employment Reporting System. Did OIS receive my update?

If you submitted your update prior to July 31, 2019 it should have been processed by OIS. If you are unsure, please complete and submit the STEM OPT Extension Data Validation Report Form.