International Perspectives on this Year’s Presidential Election: Unplug Your Ears!

A few minutes before 12:00 PM, King Hall was abuzz with quiet anticipation as the last students and staff members trickled in. The international student panel was about to begin, with the controversial presidential election as topic of discussion. Needless to say, this year’s election has been unlike any other before it, dividing Americans as supporters of either Donald Trump or…Continue Reading International Perspectives on this Year’s Presidential Election: Unplug Your Ears!

USC’s International Women’s Soccer Heroes: Lulu Pullar

Women’s soccer is taking over. The 2015 U.S. – Japan world cup final drew over 25 million viewers, and these numbers are only predicted to continue growing. On the collegiate level, USC boasts a promising soccer team which this year is strengthened by three players from the international community. In order to introduce you to this diverse…Continue Reading USC’s International Women’s Soccer Heroes: Lulu Pullar