High Tea with Top Trojan C.L. Max Nikias

Last week Wednesday, four OIS student staff members* joined a group of 15 student leaders for tea with USC’s President C.L. Max Nikias. The “President’s Tea” is organized on a monthly basis, and provides students who play an active role in the USC community with an opportunity to engage the President. This month, the tea took place the…Continue Reading High Tea with Top Trojan C.L. Max Nikias

OIS Appreciates its Staff over Lunch

Last Thursday, OIS hosted a lunch in honor of its student staff members as well as for new staff member Brett Wobbe. The lunch was held at Trio House, a trendy Thai restaurant located on Figueroa at walking distance from the main campus. The lunch was a great opportunity for OIS staff to bond over Thai tea and various delicious…Continue Reading OIS Appreciates its Staff over Lunch