Students Enjoy International Cuisine at International Food Fair

Everybody eats. Whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, people around the world have turned one of mankind’s most basic necessities into an art of enjoyment. That being said, the way in which different cultures eat can vary tremendously. These differences inspired the International Student Assembly (ISA) to organize a celebration of our global community here at…Continue Reading Students Enjoy International Cuisine at International Food Fair

OIS Meeting for Students and Scholars Affected by Travel Ban

Immigration attorney, TL Loke Walsh, will join OIS representatives for an information session for students and scholars from the seven countries listed in the travel ban (Syria, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and Sudan). Updated information about the impact of the January 27 executive order will be presented, followed by time for questions and answers. Monday, February 6,…Continue Reading OIS Meeting for Students and Scholars Affected by Travel Ban

Travel Advisory for International Students and Scholars Regarding President’s Executive Order on Immigration

On January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order making major changes to U.S. policies on refugees and immigration. This executive order includes procedural changes affecting immigrants and non-immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. An executive order signed by the President instructs U.S. government agencies on how to carry…Continue Reading Travel Advisory for International Students and Scholars Regarding President’s Executive Order on Immigration

Memorandum from Provost Quick in Support of the International Community

On behalf of President Nikias and the entire USC administration, I write to express our concern about the recent executive order (Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States) limiting immigration and entry into the United States, and how it could impact hundreds of our international students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Our…Continue Reading Memorandum from Provost Quick in Support of the International Community

English for Experts: the Hidden Language Behind the Language

“Tiger tiger burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?” The foregoing passage is taken from one of the most famous and well-studied poems in the history of English: “The Tiger” by William Blake. In both British and American schools, countless students have spent hours upon…Continue Reading English for Experts: the Hidden Language Behind the Language