Yamini was born and brought up in Chennai, India. She holds an undergraduate degree in Construction Technology and Management from the JSS Science and Technology University in Mysore. Living in a historical city like Mysore played an important role in awakening her passion for construction.
After successful completion of her undergraduate studies, Yamini came to USC in Spring 2016, to pursue her in Master’s in Construction Engineering and Management at the Viterbi School of Engineering. Having always been interested in extracurricular activities, she served as the Viterbi Graduate Student Association (VGSA) senator for the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Fall 2016.
Yamini’s desire to learn more about people from different communities led her to pursue the position of Diversity Senator at VGSA. Her exploits as Diversity Senator led her to OIS, where she loves being able to play a role in facilitating international student affairs. In her free time, Yamini regularly does volunteer work in support of underprivileged children.