In-Person Learning Requirements for Viterbi Students Participating in CPT During the Fall 2023 Semester 

Post-pandemic, the Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are now strictly enforcing the residential learning requirements for all F-1 students during the fall 2023 semester, regardless of whether the student is in the final semester of their program. All F-1 students, including those participating in CPT, must…Continue Reading In-Person Learning Requirements for Viterbi Students Participating in CPT During the Fall 2023 Semester 

Commencement FAQ for International Students

Updated 4/14/2021 1.  Can international students who are currently in the U.S. (i.e., enrolled in classes for spring 2021 or graduated in 2020 and are currently on OPT) attend commencement? California state health officials have confirmed the graduating classes of both 2020 and 2021 may attend commencement ceremonies in person. This applies to international students…Continue Reading Commencement FAQ for International Students

DHS Confirms Guidance for the Spring 2021 Semester

Dear Students: With the spring semester quickly approaching, the Office of International Services (OIS) would like to share what we know at this time to help students determine their academic plan. Please read the rest of this message carefully, as it contains important information pertaining to the spring 2021 semester. There are several factors that…Continue Reading DHS Confirms Guidance for the Spring 2021 Semester

USC DPS Community Safety Advisory: Scams Targeting International Students

COMMUNITY SAFETY ADVISORY Note: the content includes language about sexual assault that may be disturbing to some readers The USC Department of Public Safety is providing this notification to advise the campus community of concerning reports of scams and thefts targeting our students and members of the USC community. DPS has received three reports, which…Continue Reading USC DPS Community Safety Advisory: Scams Targeting International Students

USC सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा विभाग समुदाय सुरक्षा परामर्शी

समुदाय सुरक्षा परामर्शी नोट: सामग्री में यौन उत्पीड़न से जुड़ी भाषा शामिल है, जो कुछ पाठकों को विचलित कर सकती है USCडिपार्टमेंट ऑफ पब्लिक सेफ्टी यह अधिसूचना कैंपस समुदाय को हमारे छात्रों और USC समुदाय के सदस्यों को लक्षित करने वाले घोटालों और चोरियों की रिपोर्ट्स के बारे में सलाह देने के लिए प्रदान कर…Continue Reading USC सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा विभाग समुदाय सुरक्षा परामर्शी

USC 공공안전부서커뮤니티 안전 권고사항

커뮤니티 안전 권고사항 참고: 아래 내용에는 일부 독자들에게 불쾌함을 줄 수 있는 성폭력 관련 표현이 포함되어 있습니다. USC 공공안전부서에서는 최근에 보고된 학생과 USC 커뮤니티 구성원을 상대로 한 사기와 절도 사건을 캠퍼스 커뮤니티에 알리기 위해 본 공지문을 보내드립니다. DPS는 세 건의 보고를 받았으며, USC 유학생들이 범죄 의도를 가진 이들의 표적이 되었을 것으로 보입니다. 첫 번째 보고서는…Continue Reading USC 공공안전부서커뮤니티 안전 권고사항

USC 公共安全部社区安全公告

社区安全公告 注:内容包括可能会让一些读者感到不安的关于性侵犯的语言 南加州大学 (USC) 公共安全部 (Department of Public Safety, DPS) 现发布此通知,以向校园社区提供有关以我们的学生和 USC 社区成员为目标的诈骗和盗窃报告的信息。DPS 已经收到了三份报告,这表明 USC 国际学生可能成为了有犯罪意图之人的目标。 第一份报告涉及一名男性,其可能是当地大学生,他以中国女留学生为目标,通过提议为她们拍摄来接近她们。他要求的拍摄带有性成分,并且可能涉及强迫。目前我们还没有此人的嫌犯描述。 如果有人通过提议为您拍摄来接近您,请拒绝提议,并拨打 USC Department of Public Safety 的电话 (213) 740-4321 (UPC) 或 (323) 442-1000 (HSC)。如果您身陷即刻危险之中,请拨打 911。 第二份报告涉及一名学生,他接到了一个自称是社会保障总署 (Social Security Administration) 官员的人的来电。他告诉该学生,她的账户处于危险之中,因为它与一起洗钱和盗窃调查有关。他告诉该学生,他可以通过将她的资金转移到比特币上,并更改她的 SSI 号来帮助她。那个人表示他稍后会给该学生回电说明。那个人给该学生回了电,并自称阿罕布拉警员,并指示她通过两笔交易将 $5,000 转移到比特币账户中(第一笔为 $2,900,第二笔为 $2,100)。那个人建议该学生不要和任何人谈论此事。 如果声称在 Social Security Administration 或任何其他政府实体工作的人联系您,要求您转移资金或提供您的银行信息,请拒绝提议,挂断并拨打 USC Department of Public Safety 的电话 (213)…Continue Reading USC 公共安全部社区安全公告